50+ Eco-friendly Easter Egg Fillers your Kids will Love

This post has over 50 eco-friendly ideas for easter egg fillers you and your kids will love!

easter egg fillers

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Easter is one of my favourite holidays of the year. The sun is usually shining, the kids are happy and enjoying their annual Easter egg hunt, plus you get to eat the yummiest food. What’s not to love?

There is one problem with Easter, though! And that is the sheer amount of waste that is created. 

Each year, more than 8,000 tonnes of waste is generated from Easter egg packaging and cards alone which is mind-blowing! Not to mention all the plastic Easter eggs and fillers used for those annual Easter egg hunts.

For me, being eco-friendly isn’t just about buying toys made of cotton and wood but reusing what we already have. If you decide to purchase something new make sure it is loved and cared for. You can then pass it along to someone else when the time comes.

So, why not join me in creating the perfect eco-friendly Easter egg hunt this year that your whole family will love?!

50+ Eco-friendly Easter Egg Fillers Your Kids Will Love

Firstly, you’re going to need an eco-friendly Easter egg basket.

Easter baskets are the main event. I love creating these with my kids, but sometimes, if we don’t have enough time, we reuse the ones from the year before, which is better than creating a new one each year.

You might find this post about ECO-FRIENDLY EASTER BASKET IDEAS helpful.

What can I use for Eco-friendly Easter eggs?

Easter egg hunts usually involve plastic eggs filled with edible & non-edible treats. Plastic eggs (annoyingly) are probably the best thing to use as they are durable and come in various sizes. But they are not eco-friendly at all.

The perfect solution is reusing any plastic Easter eggs you have from last year.

Another great alternative is to try your luck on Facebook marketplace or local thrift stores and trying to nab some secondhand!

Don’t worry if not; some other great options (including ditching the eggs altogether) exist!

Eco-friendly alternatives to plastic Easter eggs

Paper Mache Easter eggs (fillable)

Pack of 6 wooden eggs (fillable)

Small wooden eggs (to paint)

Etsy wooden eggs x2 (fillable)

Once you have your baskets and fillable eco eggs ready, you can start thinking about what you will put in them! You might choose to use different treats depending on the age of your children & there are plenty of ideas for both edible and non-edible treats.

I prefer not to fill the eggs with small toys that the kids will enjoy for one day and then discard.

My goal is to de-clutter the house, not fill it with junk!

Think about the size of the toys & treats when choosing fillers as they will need to fit into your eggs. 

Eco-friendly Easter Egg Fillers for Toddlers

Finding fun Easter egg fillers for little kids can be tricky because the eggs are usually relatively small. We all know that giving toddlers small toys is not the best practice as we want to avoid choking. So, if you choose the smaller non-edible treats, make sure they’re always supervised.

The perfect way to get around this is to choose a toy like this Le Toy Van Forest Stacker Tower and Bag.

I split the pieces up into different eggs. Once your child has found every piece, they can put it together. This saves money, and your child receives a toy that will last.

Toys perfect for splitting into separate eggs

Duplo or Wooden Blocks (you can reuse the ones you already have)

Create your own sensory bag (you can DIY your own bag with sensory toys around the house)

Wooden Dinosaur puzzle pieces 

Baby Bath Toys

Wooden stacking Spring garden toys

Non-Toxic Crayons

Remember, you don’t have to buy anything new for these hunts, although these are ideal for those who want to purchase a new toy for their toddlers or Mums with limited time on their hands.

Eco Easter Egg Fillers for Young Kids

Younger children are a little easier to organise gifts for as they are allowed to play with smaller toys and tend to be easily pleased.

Easter gift ideas for your younger kids


Small wooden toys


Hair bobbles

Hair clips



Super Hero Masks

Stationary- Most kids love rubbers and pencil sharpeners for school

Mini stationary pads

Colourful & fun pencils with pencil toppers

Football cards

Football stickers


Craft Supplies

Small card games like UNO or Top Trumps

Wooden Stamps

Mini pencil crayons

Hot Wheels cars- ideal if you were already looking to buy some new cars or, even better, reuse the ones you have at home

Small racing cars (a cheaper option for small cars)

Playdoh– Reuse ones you already have, or you could also make your own salt dough

Seed balls – You can also purchase seeds from your local garden centre and pop them into small paper cases for an even more eco-friendly gift

Grow your own garden for kids

Temporary Tattoos

Friendship Bracelets

Coloured Sidewalk Chalks For Children

Plantable seed paper– Growfetti

You don’t have to buy anything new for these hunts, although these are ideal for those who want to purchase something new for their younger kids or moms with limited time.

easter egg fillers

Eco Easter Egg Fillers for Tweens & Teens

If you have teenagers, you will know that they usually like to do their own thing. Therefore, getting them to join the Easter egg hunts will probably be challenging, but with some incentives, it might just work!

Fun ideas to get those teenage kids engaged with your family Easter traditions


Gift cards- for Netflix, Nintendo, food places etc.

A small pack of card games

Makeup- something particular that they will need and use

Lip balm– you could also make your own


Scrunchies– the hidden pocket ones are the coolest

Bath bombs

Small tech products

Apple air tag

Apple air tag keyring holder



Teenagers’ gifts that aren’t junk are usually a little more expensive than the younger kids’ toys. 

You don’t have to buy anything new, although these gifts are ideal for those who want to purchase something new for their teenage kids.

easter eggs

Edible Easter Egg Fillers for everyone

Most kids will have some chocolate egg in their basket or hidden and ready to find as part of the Easter egg hunt.

Sweet treats without the sugar overload, plus some vegan options too

Fruit snacks

NOMO chocolate Easter bunnies- NOMO is a vegan range of chocolate

Moo Free Mini Chocolate Bundle Moo Free is another vegan range of chocolate

Small packs of raisins

Yoyo Bears


Try to get large individual eggs with reduced packaging for a greener option.

Small individual Easter egg hunt eggs– these usually come wrapped in different coloured foil and can be purchased from the local supermarket

Make your snacks like these Peanut Butter Date Bites.

perfect easter snacks, homemade chocolate dates

Fair Trade chocolate ideas

Organic & Fair Trade chocolate- you can also buy this from local health food stores

Green & Blacks organic Easter egg range

easter choc

Top 3 Easter Egg Hunt Tips

1. Set the rules

If you are preparing an Easter egg hunt with children of different ages or abilities, assign a particular coloured egg to each person or age group. Alternatively, you can use name labels on each of the eggs. This works very well and will be fair as the older children won’t be able to find all the eggs first!

2. Be prepared

Remember how many eggs you hide and where you put them. This way, you can make sure they’re all found. If not, you’ll have some uninvited guests in your garden.

Or if the animals don’t eat them, you’ll forever find them hidden in the bushes!

3. Check the weather

Check the weather for the day ahead. If you’re lucky and the weather is warm, hide your chocolate eggs in the right place and out of sight of the sun!

We hid some eggs on top of our car one year, and let’s say it was pretty messy, and no one wants to hunt for eggs only to find them completely melted.

If the weather is a complete washout, hide the eggs around the house and prepare other Easter activities.

easter cake

This post is about eco-friendly Easter egg fillers your kids will love that aren’t junk.

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